My Skills
Below is a list of the major key technologies and platform that I regularly use and I have gained professional competence.
Professional experience of working for large government organisations developing and administering MOSS 2007, SharePoint 2010/2013 and SharePoint Online.
Power Automate
Helped multiple businesses to automate and simplify time-consuming processes and tasks across services and applications.
Developed custom apps connected to business data to help resolve process issues and to implement efficiencies.
Automated several time-consuming tasks using PowerShell, SharePoint Online PowerShell, PNP PowerShell and CSOM, JSOM to perform batch processing for tasks and manage data in SharePoint.
Nintex Workflow
Managed, automated, improved and optimised processes for multiple business units, using Nintex Workflow.
Using Sharegate Desktop I have prepared, executed and validated the migration of 15 TB of data for a large investment company, moving data from File share, SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online.
I am an Umbraco Certified Developer, I have created numerous professional websites using the friendly Umbraco Content Management System.
nopCommere is my preferred platform for developing e-Commerce solutions. nopCommerce is free and open- source, is based on Microsoft's ASP.NET Core framework and MS SQL Server as a backend Database.